You really put me on the spot.
Spot不是一個「點」嗎?他是把老闆放在哪個點上啊? 今天來看spot這個字的妙用。
1.You really put me on the spot.
而On the spot本身有「現場、立刻」的意思。
.Luckily there was a doctor on the spot. 幸虧當時有位醫生在場。
Put someone on the spot就是「讓某人尷尬、難堪」,當別人問一個你不想立刻回答的問題,做一個你不想當場做的決定,就可以用這句話回應:
.Don't put me on the spot. I can't give you an instant answer. 別為難我,我沒法馬上給你答案。
.The boss put Bob on the spot and demanded that he do everything he had promised. 老闆讓Bob很難堪,他要求Bob承諾的事都得做到。
2.Spot on!
Spot on是英國人的口語。Spot雖然有「看」的意思,但spot on不是「看過來」,是指「剛好,完全正確」。當形容詞用時,可以加一個”-“,變成spot-on。
Your prediction was spot-on. 你的預測完全正確。
She guessed spot-on. 她猜得很準。
還有一個類似的說法是hit the spot,意思差不多。
Your prediction hit the spot. 你的預測十分準確。
除了正確、「很棒」,Spot on也有「符合期待、表現稱職,做到了該做的事的意思」。
The price of that car is spot-on! 這車的價格挺好的。
Mandy is spot-on in this project. Mandy在這個專案中表現得很稱職。
3.I have a soft spot for chocolate.
Soft spot有點接近中文講的「軟肋」,have a soft spot 後面也經常加「人」,表示特別喜歡某人。
No wonder Jane got a promotion. The boss has always had a soft spot for her. 難怪Jane升職了,老闆一直偏愛她。
She'd always had a soft spot for her younger nephew. 她一直很喜歡她的小侄子。
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